Rodger and Devin got married in March 2014. Rodger moved into the “city” in order to live with his new bride. After some time had passed he found out that his heart still belonged to the rural areas of Ellicott and to be closer to his family. Devin agreed as she loves Rodger’s family. They now live with Rodger’s mother, his sister, brother in law, niece, and the much adored pets in the home. They all really enjoy one another’s company and have a lot of laughter and fun together. Rodger and Devin have engaged in on a cooking class as well as volunteering for the Mill Dog Rescue.
Rodger has rejoined the Ellicott Fire Department again and enjoys his role as volunteer fire fighter. He lives for his receiver to go off initiating the need for his help. He is on call all hours of the day. When he is not at the station, he’s on call to work for the local school district in the cafeteria. He loves both of his community jobs very much. Rodger has obtained both of these jobs without the help of any other agencies as he has found natural supports on his own and obtained both jobs independently. He continues to not need any further job supports by waiver services due to being so successful on his own. Rodger additionally got a truck this year to which he is very proud of. He loves driving himself and his wife around their small town and doing things together.
Devin has very much thrived emotionally since being married with Rodger and living with his family. She feels very loved, appreciated, and encouraged. She continues to work hard on rebuilding strength in her body again, as Devin endured her first massive seizure in 2016. With the support of her husband and extended family, she is thriving and has a lot of people rooting for her continued endurance. Devin is learning the ropes of living in a rural town. She is meeting a lot of people and loving it. She enjoys going to church every weekend, playing bingo with church members, and planning weekend activities when possible. She is learning a lot of new skills within her new environment, such as cooking meals for the entire family and learning new recipes. She also enjoys doing arts, crafts, coloring and watching movies on her down time.