Teller and Park County Playgroups
The Resource Exchange/Early Intervention Colorado team offers supports and services to children with developmental delays who are birth to three years of age and their families. Therapy services are part of a federal program, and to enhance childhood development, weekly infant/toddler playgroups are available throughout Teller and Park County. This is an inclusive program open to the entire community.
This play-based, developmentally appropriate program meets the needs of infants and toddlers within a natural environment. In collaboration with children’s families, it helps enhance all domains of development. The playgroups have been formed to connect families and encourage relationships within your own community.
Playgroup sessions are thematically designed to intrigue and inspire you and your children and help them learn. Monthly calendars are provided to the families with a current listing of planned activities and scheduled field trips (see link below for current schedule).
The sessions are planned with interaction-focused activities so you and your child are central to the play. The environment is set up for you and the facilitators to actively play and explore along with the children and encourages communication between children and adults.
What does a normal day look like?
When families arrive there are several areas set up they can move through (we change the areas to support the theme of each session).
Arts & Crafts – open creative 2d and 3d choices as well as keepsakes to remember those special moments.
Sensory Activities – rice, water, or snow table, finger painting, playdough, texture activities or puzzles.
Early Literacy – reading area with large assortment of board and story books for children to explore with their parent/guardian.
Play Area – assortment of fine and gross motor opportunities such as riding, pushing, pulling toys, blocks, cause and effect toys, and pretend play.
The last half hour we transition into group clean up followed by Snack Time combined with Story Time that is tied in with the theme of the day. We end our session with circle time singing with Music and Motion.
This playgroup is a collaboration between TRE and other agencies that allow us to hold playgroup in their facilities. TRE provides an educational curriculum to the instructors through our Parent Liaison, as well as providing the playgroup instructors for the children birth to three years who attend. We are financially supported through grants applied for yearly.
Bailey Playgroup
Fridays from 10:00am to 11:00am or 11:15am to 12:15 pm
Saturdays from 9:30am to 11:00am
TRE Office – playroom
460 Park County Road #43
Bailey, CO 80421
Catherine Martin – Playgroup Instructor – (973) 713-7011
Current Schedule: Bailey Playgroup Facebook
Woodland Park Playgroup
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00am to 11:30am
The Community Partnership Family Resource Center
701 Goldhill Place
Woodland Park, CO 80863
CPFRC Office (719) 686-0705
Current Schedule: CPTeller.org
Playgroup schedule is tied to the school district holiday and weather closures. If there is a 2 hour delay playgroup will be closed. The only group that is closed during the summer is Bailey.