From individual or corporate gifts and partnerships, to building motorized cars for children with mobility issues, or volunteering at respite sessions for our families, there are a variety of meaningful ways to support our work in the community.
Are you over age 18 and want to make a difference? We are always looking for people to help out with our family respite programs. For families of children and young adults with a disability, respite is vital for health and well-being. Our programs provide essential time for parents and caregivers to run errands, go on a date night, or take a break from caregiving. Volunteers help provide this much-needed break in a fun, welcoming environment with plenty of support. Click here to learn more!
We welcome individual volunteers or community groups as our programs are growing and we are looking for helpers! Contact TRE’s Respite Programs Specialist, Sarah Nolan at (719) 338-1718 for more information about how to participate in our respite programs or help at an upcoming event.
Follow Us on Social Media
Keep up with the latest at TRE, volunteer opportunities, community events, and stories about the people we serve.
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Sign up for our e-News
This Is TRE, is filled with the latest announcements, what’s new at TRE, and meaningful stories about our work in the community. Sign up here.
Become a Partner
The Resource Exchange is deeply grateful to the organizations and businesses that partner with us. If you or your organization would like more information about TRE partnership opportunities, please contact Kelly Lyng at or at (719) 377-4997.
Consider a Sponsorship
It is through the generosity of individuals and businesses that we can continue to serve people in El Paso, Pueblo, Park and Teller Counties. Please contact Kelly Lyng at or at (719) 377-4997 for more information on our sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.

Do you enjoy using critical thinking skills to help others?
Do you want to make a difference in your community for people with disabilities?
If you answered yes, then you are invited to join TRE’s Human Rights Committee (HRC)!
What is HRC?
Per Colorado statute, and Medicaid regulations, a Human Rights Committee is a volunteer advisory committee that reviews the services and supports provided by paid caregivers to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to ensure their civil rights are respected.
What are the qualifications of a committee member?
Per Colorado statute, HRC must include parents and/or guardians of someone with IDD, and professionals with a background in behavioral development. Additional volunteers interested in advocating for the rights of people with IDD are also welcome.
Why should I join?
HRC is one of the most fulfilling ways to contribute to your community and advance fair and equal treatment for individuals with IDD. You have a unique opportunity to encourage others and impact services and supports for those served by TRE and surrounding agencies.
When is HRC?
Currently, HRC meets the second Wednesday of every month for approximately six hours. The schedule and materials, to be reviewed before each meeting, will be sent to you electronically approximately two weeks prior to each HRC meeting date. Average time commitment for our HRC members is approximately 10 hours per month.
Where is HRC?
The Resource Exchange
6385 Corporate Drive Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
This is an accessible committee and we can accommodate members via video or phone. Please advise us of your accessibility needs.
Please RSVP regarding your interest!
Contact our HRC Liaisons at or
Heather Meizis at or (719) 418-4912
Contact Us
We want to hear from you. Click here or call (719) 380-1100 for more information about how you can become involved at The Resource Exchange.