Guardianship and its Alternatives

TRE 6385 Corporate Drive, Suite 301 (North Entrance), Colorado Sp;rings, CO, United States

The following trainings are open to any and all who are interested in attending.RSVPs must be made directly to Kayla Smith via email ( or telephone (785-6416) with number of attendees and which training sessions they plan to attend. The deadline for RSVPs is one week before training you plan to attend. If capacity is […]


Community Training Session: On-Call and Incident Reporting; MANE Investigations and Allegation Protocols; Confidentiality and HIPAA

TRE 6385 Corporate Drive, Suite 301 (North Entrance), Colorado Sp;rings, CO, United States

The following trainings are open to any and all who are interested in attending.RSVPs must be made directly to Kayla Smith via email ( or telephone (785-6416) with number of attendees and which training sessions they plan to attend. The deadline for RSVPs is one week before training you plan to attend. If capacity is […]


Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)

TRE 6385 Corporate Drive, Suite 301 (North Entrance), Colorado Sp;rings, CO, United States

The following trainings are open to any and all who are interested in attending.RSVPs must be made directly to Kayla Smith via email ( or telephone (785-6416) with number of attendees and which training sessions they plan to attend. The deadline for RSVPs is one week before training you plan to attend. If capacity is […]


Restrictive Interventions

TRE 6385 Corporate Drive, Suite 301 (North Entrance), Colorado Sp;rings, CO, United States

The following trainings are open to any and all who are interested in attending.RSVPs must be made directly to Kayla Smith via email ( or telephone (785-6416) with number of attendees and which training sessions they plan to attend. The deadline for RSVPs is one week before training you plan to attend. If capacity is […]


Community Training Session: HRC Training

TRE 6385 Corporate Drive, Suite 301 (North Entrance), Colorado Sp;rings, CO, United States

The following training is open to any and all who are interested in attending.RSVPs must be made directly to Kayla Smith via email ( or telephone (785-6416) with number of attendees and which training sessions they plan to attend. The deadline for RSVPs is one week before training you plan to attend. If capacity is reached […]


The Pueblo office is CLOSED today due to building maintenance.

All Pueblo employees are working remotely
