24th Annual TOUCH-A-TRUCK Day

Meadow Wood Sports Complex 2000 Evergreen Heights Dr, Woodland Park,, CO, United States

24th Annual TOUCH-A-TRUCK Day at Meadow Wood Sports Complex, Woodland Park. Wednesday, August 14th 10:00am - 12:00pm, FREE  event!Kids come climb and crawl on more than 20 big trucks and […]

Client Appreciation Day

At The Resource Exchange (TRE), our upcoming yarnbombing event isn’t just about colorful threads and tree decorations—it’s a celebration of our clients, their families, and the entire community. We proudly […]


60th Anniversary Art Show & Sale

The Resource Exchange 6385 Corporate Drive, Colorado Springs, CO

Experience an unforgettable evening of art and celebration at The Resource Exchange's (TRE) 60th Anniversary Art Show and Sale on September 19, 2024! Held at our location on Corporate Drive […]


18th Annual Legislative Town Hall on Disabilities

Centennial Hall 200 South Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, COLORADO

Bring your questions to the 18th Annual Legislative Town Hall on Disabilities. Please plan to attend this important hybrid event to include a public Open Mic and Panel Discussion with […]


Board of Directors Meeting

TRE Redwood Conference Room 6385 Corporate Dr, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Join via Microsoft Teams - Need help?Join the meeting nowMeeting ID: 264 645 152 674Passcode: FWEHYLDial in by phone+1 970-200-2211,,241294923# United States, Grand JunctionFind a local numberPhone conference ID: 241 294 923# 


SCAM ALERT: Someone claiming to be from TRE has made calls asking for sensitive information

TRE will never ask for a maiden name, and the only time we ask for SSN and DOB is during the intake process if the individual did not fill out online intake application.
