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Guardianship and Its Alternatives

February 13, 2017 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


The following trainings are open to any and all who are interested in attending.

RSVPs must be made directly to Kristi Davison via email (kdavison@tre.org) or telephone (785-3746) with the name, agency, e-mail and telephone number of the attendee and which training sessions you plan to attend.

The deadline for RSVPs are one week prior to the training you plan to attend. If capacity is reached prior to that deadline, we will let you know.

PLEASE NOTE: Cancellation notice is requested 48hours prior to the date of training.

Trainer: Christina Butero / Carrie Chesney

This training will provide a basic overview of guardianship and it’s alternatives, which includes Conservatorship, Financial and Medical Power of Attorney, Medical Proxy, … Discussion will include: Who needs guardianship? What are the legal responsibilities and limitations of a guardian and its’ alternatives? How is legal authority obtained for a person in need? What are the legal rights of persons who are inca- pacitated? Discussions and group activities will also address the chal- lenges guardianship and its’ alternatives present for involved parties and possible solutions to said challenges.



February 13, 2017
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


6385 Corporate Drive, Suite 301 (North Entrance)
Colorado Sp;rings, CO 80919 United States
+ Google Map