The Resource Exchange
The following trainings are open to any and all who are interested in attending.
RSVPs must be made directly to Lisa Wiener at 719-380-1100 with the name, agency, e-mail and telephone number of the attendee and which training sessions you plan to attend.
The deadline for RSVPs are one week prior to the training you plan to attend. If capacity is reached prior to that deadline, we will let you know.
PLEASE NOTE: Cancellation notice is requested 48 hours prior to the date of training.
Trainer: Brandi Griffiths
Designed for staff involved in Behavioral ISSP development and/or review. Staff involved in implementation may also find this training useful in understanding the concepts of BISSPs and their implementation. Topics include review of behavior principles, BISSP development, important considerations in developing behavioral plans, and regulatory requirements to consider for BISSP development. Includes discussion of methodology designed to encourage success for clients as well as an overview of monitoring and review practices that can be utilized to evaluate effectiveness. Trainees are encouraged to bring a goal/plan they have developed for the Q&A/workshop component of this training, which will provide an opportunity to review the plan for content and compliance.
Due to weather, the Pueblo and Colorado Springs offices are CLOSED today.
Our front desk teams will be taking calls remotely