Early Intervention Intake Your name Your email Child's full name Today's date Date of birth of child Parent's Agreement YesNo How did you hear about TRE? Sex of child (Male, Female etc) Birth Order (1st twin etc.) Primary language in the home Race African America/BlackAsian/Asian AmericanBiracialCaucasian/White/EuropeanHawaiian/Pacific IslanderIndigenous people/Native American Latino/a/x or Hispanic YesNo County of residence El PasoParkTeller School district Diagnosis Details about diagnosis Concerns Details about concerns Parent/Guardian name Address Family's home phone number Parent/Guardian cell phone number Parent/Guardian work phone number Parent/Guardian email address Relationship of person filling out this form to the child Social security number of child. What kind of insurance does the child have? Insurance information (Private provider, or Medicaid or Child Health Plan Plus ID Number) Child's Doctor Doctor's Practice Doctor's phone number Doctor's fax number File(s) Drag & Drop Files Here or Browse Files 0 of 10