We’re Here To Help
The Resource Exchange (TRE), serves over 12,000 infants, children, teenagers, adults, and seniors in El Paso, Pueblo, Teller, and Park counties. Advocating for independence and inclusion, TRE partners with children and adults who have a variety of disabilities, delays, mental health or long-term care needs. We do this using a person-centered approach in coordinating care, promoting choices, and collaborating with community partners.
TRE Services are:
We pay close attention to what makes each person we serve special, tailoring the programs and services that are available to suit their individual needs.
We work with people throughout the course of their lives, supporting them from birth, before school, through school, and as adults and seniors.
We go to where the people we serve live, work, learn, and play in order to make receiving services as easy as possible.
We help find the right partners for accurate diagnosis and exceptional care, working closely with families and caregivers along the way.
What is a Community Centered Board?
TRE is a state designated Community Centered Board (CCB), one of 20 in Colorado. TRE services include eligibility determination, developmental disability determination, assistance with enrollment into Long-Term Care Medicaid or State General Fund programs, service plan development, and arrangement for services, service coordination (case management), and monitoring of services received.
In 2019, TRE also assumed Single Point Entry (SEP) responsibilities and now administers all of Colorado’s Long-Term Care Medicaid waivers for our service area. By bringing all waivers here, we believe we can achieve greater efficiencies and provide the level a quality for which we are known.
Empowering People. Strengthening Families. Building Inclusive Communities.
Early Childhood Services and Early Intervention
Our hybrid approach to Early Childhood Services is designed to work with you and your child’s needs. Our combination of children’s telehealth and in-person parent-child coaching promotes learning, using your child’s activities as tools to learn.
TRE Early Intervention teams are geographically located throughout southern Colorado and are comprised of physical, occupational, speech, and behavioral therapists, developmental interventionists and nutritionists who have an average of 26 years experience. TRE also provides Early Childhood Mental Health consultations and is committed to supporting parents and caregivers to foster strong social-emotional development in our children.
Family Support Services Program
Families who have children with developmental disabilities or delays often incur costs beyond those typically experienced by other families. The Family Support Services Program provides support for qualifying families through state general funds.
The primary purpose of this program is to support children with developmental disabilities or delays to remain in their own nurturing family setting and prevent out-of-home placements.
Caring for the caregiver and strengthening family bonds through respite and other supports are also vital roles of this program.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
Home and Community-Based Services are made available by the State of Colorado through several funding programs. See below for more about Long-Term Care Medicaid Waivers and a list of waivers for eligible, enrolled children and adults.
We personalize services based upon your needs. Once enrolled, services are purchased from approved businesses and Program Approved Service Agencies (PASAs), using available funds as authorized through your plan. TRE has relationships with over 200 community partners to which we refer our families. We work with our partners to deliver services, ensure quality, and increase opportunities for the people we serve.
Medicaid Waivers and Applying for Services
What is a Medicaid Waiver?
A Long-Term Care Medicaid waiver helps people gain access to additional benefits. Qualified recipients would otherwise be in a nursing facility, hospital, or receiving long-term care in the community. Medicaid, in the form of a Medicaid “waiver”, is available for eligible, enrolled adults and children in Colorado. Referrals come from schools, doctors, agencies, friends, neighbors, family, walk-ins, or self-referral. Find the full list of Colorado’s Long-Term Care Medicaid waivers and more information here.
TRE can assist you with eligibility determination, developmental disability determination, and assistance with enrollment into Long-Term Care Medicaid or State General Fund programs. TRE’s Navigation and Quality Department is ready to guide you every step of the way.
Waivers for Children
Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (Birth-18)

- Home and Community Based Services Waiver for Children’s Extensive Support (CES)
- Support for children living at home and have significant needs related to their developmental disability.
- Access to Medicaid services for those who may not otherwise qualify for Medicaid State Plan Benefits as well as funding to purchase specific services which are not covered under the Medicaid State Plan. Please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- CES Information
- CES Service Guide
- Process to Access CES Waiver Benefits
Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver (Birth-18)
- Children’s Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (CHCBS)
- Available for children with significant medical needs and who are at risk for institutional care in an acute hospital or skilled nursing facility.
- To learn more about CHCBS, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- C-HCBS Information
Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (Birth-20)
- Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP)
- Provides habilitative services for children and youth in foster care who have a developmental disability and extraordinary needs (must be at risk of institutionalization).
- Available for individuals up to 20 years old in the custody of the Department of Human Services, residing in an out-of-home CHRP-approved placement, and have a developmental disability.
- To learn more about CHRP, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- CHRP Information
Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver (Birth-18)
- Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI)
- Provides Medicaid benefits in the home for children with a life-limiting illness
- Allows the family to seek curative treatment while the child is receiving palliative or hospice care
- To learn more about CLLI, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- CLLI Information
Waivers for Adults
Adult Supported Living Services Waiver (ages 18+)

- Home and Community Based Services Waiver for Supported Living Services (SLS).
- Provides a variety of services and supports for adults living in their own homes or with family in the community.
- Promotes individual choice and decision-making through the individualized planning process and the tailoring of services and supports to address prioritized, unmet needs. In addition, this waiver is designed to supplement existing natural supports and traditional community resources with targeted and cost-effective services and supports. Participants do not require 24 hour supports or services.
- To learn more about SLS, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- SLS Information
- SLS Service Guide
Adult Residential Waiver (ages 18+)
- Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Persons With Developmental Disabilities (DD).
- Provides access to 24-hour, seven day a week supervision through Residential Habilitation and Day Habilitation Services and Supports. This service is commonly known as Comprehensive services.
- These services can be delivered in the family home, individual settings, group living settings, etc. There is an extensive waitlist for these services.
- To learn more about DD, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- DD Information
- DD Service Guide
Adult Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (ages 18+)
- Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Persons with a Diagnosis of a Major Mental Illness (CMHS).
- Provides a home or community-based alternative to nursing facility care.
- To learn more about CMHS, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- CMHS Information
Adult Waiver for the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled (ages 18+)
- Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (EBD) for elderly persons with a functional impairment (ages 65+), those who are blind, or those who are physically disabled or have a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS (ages 18-64)
- Provides a home or community-based alternative to nursing facility care.
- To learn more about EBD, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website
- EBD Information
Adult Waiver for Persons with Brain Injury (ages 16+)
- Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for persons with brain injury (BI).
- Provides a home or community-based alternative to hospital or specialized nursing facility care.
- To learn more about BI, please visit the Colorado Health Care Policy and Financing website.
- BI Information
Adult Waiver for Complimentary and Integrative Health (formerly SCI waiver) (ages 18+)
- Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for persons with a spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, a brain injury, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, or cerebral palsy
- Provides a home or community-based alternative to nursing facility care
- CIH Information
- CIH Guide
TRE Intake -> Eligibility -> Enrollment -> Service Coordination
Intake and Eligibility
TRE offers supports and services for infants and toddlers under the age of 3. Visit our Early Childhood Services page to learn more and complete our Intake Form.
Ages 3 and over
TRE’s Navigation and Quality Department is here to assist. Our goal is to complete the process in 90 days, however timelines are dependent on how quickly documents and approvals come from you, your physician, and outside agencies. Visit our Navigation Services page to get started.
When all intake and eligibility steps are complete, and funding is approved and available, you will move on to Enrollment. Your Enrollment Coordinator will guide you through this next step in the process. Click here for more about Enrollment.
Service Coordination
Once enrollment is complete, a Service Coordinator will be assigned to you. Our Service Coordination Department’s goal is to provide person-centered, family and community focused service in which coordinated programs and resources enhance your life. Your Service Coordinator will assist in providing targeted services and supports to establish a long-term foundation for family and community inclusion. Your Service Coordinator will also help identify your unique strengths and ways to enhance those strengths. Please click here for more about TRE Service Coordination.
TRE Services Handbook includes what to expect, our funding, explanation of terms, acronyms, your rights, and more.
TRE Services Handbook – Spanish
Provider-Approved Service Agencies
There are numerous Provider Approved Service Agencies (PASAs) and/or businesses who may deliver services in which you are interested. TRE does not tell you which providers to use but provides you with choices and makes referrals. A list of all local and statewide providers can be found here. Interested in becoming a PASA? If so, click on this link to access the Letter of Intent to receive an application from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.